Local Enrolments

From Foundation to Year 12 and beyond, students at East Preston Islamic College (EPIC) are encouraged to aspire to excellence, to embrace Islamic values and to go above and beyond to make a real difference to the community and environment around them.

Students may enter the School at any year level depending on the availability of places. To avoid disappointment, particularly for the major entry points such as Foundation and Year 7, we advise that all applications are made at least 6 months in advance. If a place is unavailable, students will be placed on a holding list.


  • The minimum age for all students shall be no less than 5 years old before 30th April; (if your child is born on the 1st May or later, we cannot enrol them)
  • Every child seeking enrolment at this college should have attended kindergarten;


Expression of Interest

Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child at East Preston Islamic College. The initial step in the process is to complete the online Expression of Interest through the following link below:

Expression of Interest Form

2024 Local Student Fee Schedule

Tuition Fees
Yrs. F - 6

Per Annum


Tuition Fees
Yrs. 7 – 10

Per Annum

$ 2,500

Tuition Fees
Yrs. 11 – 12

Per Annum

$ 2,750

Building, Library, and I.T. Levy(Compulsory Fees)

Per Annum

$ 500

2024 Discounts for siblings

Sibling Discount Concessions: Families with more than 1 child at the college qualify for a family discount on school tuition fees only (not inclusive of Building Levy) as follows:

First Child

Full fee – Eldest

Second Child

 20% less

Third Child

20% less

Fourth Child

20% less

Fifth Child


Enrolment Fee

A non refundable enrolment fee of $50 (per child) is payable with Application for Enrolment.  To secure a place, each term’s fees are payable in advance and are due as follows:









Please be aware that a proportion of the funds raised or fees collected by the College may be used to support the operation of the Early Learning Centre.

For all enquiries about fees and other charges please contact the Finance Office.

Please Note: Fees are subject to change at any time.